63 research outputs found

    Query Complexity of Correlated Equilibrium

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    We study lower bounds on the query complexity of determining correlated equilibrium. In particular, we consider a query model in which an n-player game is specified via a black box that returns players' utilities at pure action profiles. In this model we establish that in order to compute a correlated equilibrium any deterministic algorithm must query the black box an exponential (in n) number of times.Comment: Added reference

    The Edgeworth Conjecture with Small Coalitions and Approximate Equilibria in Large Economies

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    We revisit the connection between bargaining and equilibrium in exchange economies, and study its algorithmic implications. We consider bargaining outcomes to be allocations that cannot be blocked (i.e., profitably re-traded) by coalitions of small size and show that these allocations must be approximate Walrasian equilibria. Our results imply that deciding whether an allocation is approximately Walrasian can be done in polynomial time, even in economies for which finding an equilibrium is known to be computationally hard.Comment: 26 page

    Finding Any Nontrivial Coarse Correlated Equilibrium Is Hard

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    One of the most appealing aspects of the (coarse) correlated equilibrium concept is that natural dynamics quickly arrive at approximations of such equilibria, even in games with many players. In addition, there exist polynomial-time algorithms that compute exact (coarse) correlated equilibria. In light of these results, a natural question is how good are the (coarse) correlated equilibria that can arise from any efficient algorithm or dynamics. In this paper we address this question, and establish strong negative results. In particular, we show that in multiplayer games that have a succinct representation, it is NP-hard to compute any coarse correlated equilibrium (or approximate coarse correlated equilibrium) with welfare strictly better than the worst possible. The focus on succinct games ensures that the underlying complexity question is interesting; many multiplayer games of interest are in fact succinct. Our results imply that, while one can efficiently compute a coarse correlated equilibrium, one cannot provide any nontrivial welfare guarantee for the resulting equilibrium, unless P=NP. We show that analogous hardness results hold for correlated equilibria, and persist under the egalitarian objective or Pareto optimality. To complement the hardness results, we develop an algorithmic framework that identifies settings in which we can efficiently compute an approximate correlated equilibrium with near-optimal welfare. We use this framework to develop an efficient algorithm for computing an approximate correlated equilibrium with near-optimal welfare in aggregative games.Comment: 21 page

    Traffic-Redundancy Aware Network Design

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    We consider network design problems for information networks where routers can replicate data but cannot alter it. This functionality allows the network to eliminate data-redundancy in traffic, thereby saving on routing costs. We consider two problems within this framework and design approximation algorithms. The first problem we study is the traffic-redundancy aware network design (RAND) problem. We are given a weighted graph over a single server and many clients. The server owns a number of different data packets and each client desires a subset of the packets; the client demand sets form a laminar set system. Our goal is to connect every client to the source via a single path, such that the collective cost of the resulting network is minimized. Here the transportation cost over an edge is its weight times times the number of distinct packets that it carries. The second problem is a facility location problem that we call RAFL. Here the goal is to find an assignment from clients to facilities such that the total cost of routing packets from the facilities to clients (along unshared paths), plus the total cost of "producing" one copy of each desired packet at each facility is minimized. We present a constant factor approximation for the RAFL and an O(log P) approximation for RAND, where P is the total number of distinct packets. We remark that P is always at most the number of different demand sets desired or the number of clients, and is generally much smaller.Comment: 17 pages. To be published in the proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithm

    Algorithmic Aspects of Optimal Channel Coding

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    A central question in information theory is to determine the maximum success probability that can be achieved in sending a fixed number of messages over a noisy channel. This was first studied in the pioneering work of Shannon who established a simple expression characterizing this quantity in the limit of multiple independent uses of the channel. Here we consider the general setting with only one use of the channel. We observe that the maximum success probability can be expressed as the maximum value of a submodular function. Using this connection, we establish the following results: 1. There is a simple greedy polynomial-time algorithm that computes a code achieving a (1-1/e)-approximation of the maximum success probability. Moreover, for this problem it is NP-hard to obtain an approximation ratio strictly better than (1-1/e). 2. Shared quantum entanglement between the sender and the receiver can increase the success probability by a factor of at most 1/(1-1/e). In addition, this factor is tight if one allows an arbitrary non-signaling box between the sender and the receiver. 3. We give tight bounds on the one-shot performance of the meta-converse of Polyanskiy-Poor-Verdu.Comment: v2: 16 pages. Added alternate proof of main result with random codin
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